- 2012-03-24: On Saturday, March 24th, 18 o'clock, a Klaus Dinger exhibition will start at the gallery Slowboy in Düsseldorf (Germany). The exhibition will last until June 2nd. Note that a special photo book will be issued as a limited release of 500 copies. For more information (on the exhibition and on the book) see the Slowboy web-site.
- 2010-11-10: E. Kranemann sent me 2 photos that he made in 1999. Thanks! These photos show the Zeeland studio, as it looked like during the Midsummer sessions. So, this makes 6 session photos in total.
- 2010-11-01: Regarding NEU! live 72 (which is part of the recently issued 5 LP [vinyl] box), there is a very interesting interview from Eberhard Kranemann. This interview is available on Youtube, entitled “DOCUMENTS OF MUSIC HISTORY - NEU! 72 live - NEU! '72 non-public test”.
- 2010-05-07: Official re-issue of the three NEU! classics plus NEU! 86 plus NEU! live 72 as a 5 LP box-set on Grönland Records.
- 2008-03-21: Klaus Dinger dies from a heart attack, 3 days before his 62nd birthday. But his music and memory will live on. This web site (and la-duesseldorf.de) will remain online and be updated in collaboration with Miki Yui.
- 2007-01-30: La Düsseldorf “Mon Amour” is temporarily unavailable due to contract disputes! (Info-mail from Klaus Dinger.)
- Check the la-duesseldorf.de web site for recent information about La Düsseldorf activities.