singles |
Klaus Dinger: Single-Diskographie Sorry...! This list of Klaus Dinger's singles / maxi-singles is still not complete. Any more detailed information is welcome! (Simply write an e-mail to gawl.) NEU!-Singles: Super / Neuschnee Isi / After Eight La Düsseldorf-Singles: Silver Cloud Rheinita Dampfriemen Ich liebe Dich La Düsseldorf-Maxis: Rheinita Dampfriemen Ich liebe Dich Néondian-Singles: America Mon Amour Néondian-Maxis: Mon Amour / America |
Thanks to Gunter Krämer, Taunusstein, for sending information!
Design and layout:
Ralf Gawlista, Pf 1149, D-59499 Bad Sassendorf.